Travel Tips

How to Travel Lightly – My 10 Best Packing Tips

If you’re planning on traveling anywhere nowadays, you’ll find packing to be one of the trickiest parts. Prices for extra luggage on flights have skyrocketed (pun intended) and it just isn’t sustainable anymore. Learning how to travel lightly is key. I just find that paying an extra 80€ for luggage when the flight itself only costs 25€ is really annoying and a complete waste. It’s also not always the most practical thing to be lugging around a huge suitcase.

I’ve recently discovered the magic of traveling only with hand luggage, or, on shorter flights, with just a backpack. It does take a bit more work and sacrifice, but most of all, just a bit of creativity. So, I’ve compiled a list of my favourite (tried and true) packing hacks that have helped me save hundreds of dollars.

1. Use vacuum bags or compression cubes

In my experience, clothes always take up the majority of space in my bags. So, naturally, compressing them will ensure that you can take more clothes using up much less room. Use compression cubes with a double-zip system, because this will push out air and automatically fit more clothes than if you just put them straight into your bag. Vacuum bags are also a great option, especially for longer trips. I like to use the bags that don’t require a vacuum cleaner, because I don’t know when I’ll have access to one while traveling. You have to push the air out manually by rolling up the bag with clothes in it. Both of these can be bought on Amazon. Remember that compressed clothes will wrinkle, so consider packing fabrics that don’t wrinkle easily or, with some of the space you save, take a mini steam iron with you.

2. Wear your bulkiest clothing items on the flight

One of the easiest ways to travel lightly is by not traveling ligthly. Save packing space by wearing your bulkiest clothes while traveling. The items I always avoid packing if I want to take them along are jeans, boots, and big jackets. Even if it’s not too cold, the airline won’t stop you from just carrying the jacket in your hand. If it’s a short trip, I generally only bring one or two pairs of pants, so wearing jeans on the flight will cut it down to packing, at most, leggings. Obviously, wearing jeans isn’t the most comfortable, but for short flights, I think it’s okay. For long-haul flights, you can keep a comfortable pair at an easy-access spot in your bag and change as soon as you’re on the plane.

3. Pack only essentials

The most important thing you can do to ensure that you pack efficiently is to get into the right mindset. I used to be one of those people who would pack way too much ‘just in case’. Every time I pack now, I genuinely consider what I will 100% need, and try to pack only those things. What I like to do is to make a pile of everything I want to pack, then go through it and make two piles: things I will definitely need and things I MIGHT need – and be really picky about it! Remember that you will be able to buy things like toiletries at your destination. Then, pack your must-have pile and add things from the maybe pile if you have extra space. It might sound stupid, but it takes a bit of practice to unlearn the habit of overpacking.

4. Have a way to do laundry

If you are on a longer trip, it’s important to have a way to wash your clothes. It will make it so much easier to travel lightly. You can still survive taking just 5 or 6 outfits, even if you’re traveling for a few months. Obviously, you can always go to a laundromat, but this isn’t exactly budget-friendly everywhere you’ll go. A better option is to buy a travel laundry bag on Amazon that folds up to a very small size. Buy some detergent in your destination or pack a bit in a ziploc baggie, and use the bag to wash your own clothes. You can also just wash your clothes in the shower (which might sound nasty, but sometimes it really is the best option).

5. Be smart about packing toiletries

Though toiletries don’t take up as much space as clothes, it’s a great place to maximise efficiency. Not to mention, liquids are severely restricted on flights, so minimising liquid toilietries can dramatically change the way you pack. As a level 1 packer, you might think to just pack toiletries into travel bottles, but the more you travel, the more you realise that you can mostly eliminate those that take up a lot of space in that tiny ziploc bag. The trick is to trade in as many liquids as possible for solid alternatives. Solid soaps, shampoos, and conditioners are essential to me. They also last SO much longer than liquids! You can also use toothpaste tablets and sunscreen sticks. Again, though, remember that this is something that you can buy very easily and cheaply at almost every destination you may visit.

6. Get a Kindle/Tablet

If you love to read, this tip is for you! I find that there is just something about traveling that makes me feel compelled to read more. But obviously, lugging around multiple books on any trip is not going to help you to travel lightly. Getting a kindle, tablet, or iPad is such a lifesaver. I personally have an iPad, which is great because not only can I read books, but I can also watch movies and do work on it. So, it saves me from packing both books AND a laptop. It’s also great to download a few movies on Netflix to watch during your flight.

7. Try some TikTok trends (at your own risk)

Recently, many TikTok creators have shared their (questionably legal?) packing hacks online. I have tried some of these myself (most notably the pillow hack – where you pack clothes, obviously without any wiring/zips or anything like that into a pillowcase and carry it with you) and up to this point, no one has stopped me. Be careful though, because airlines are catching on to these hacks, so there’s always a small chance that you’ll get caught. You can also wear a bulky jacket and strap an extra bag onto your upper body underneath it. Just scroll around on the app for a bit, and I’m sure you’ll find some more.

8. Bring a maximum of 2 pairs of shoes

Shoes are suuuuper bulky in luggage. I never take more than 3 pairs of shoes, including the ones I wear on the flight (usually boots or sneakers). Sandals and flip flops are okay , as they don’t take up as much space. I avoid bringing multiple pairs of shoes for walking and/or hiking, so make sure to take shoes that practical and multipurpose. If you do pack closed shoes, fill them with socks or other small items to make sure that inside space doesn’t go to waste.

9. Make a packing list and stick to it

I’ve found that lists are such a great way to minimise overpacking. Whenever I make a list, I tend to get less distracted while packing and take less unnecessary things. So take some time to write everything down, because you’re more likely to be thinking logically about how much you need on paper than when you’re packing blindly. Include the number of items you will need (e.g. 4 tops, 3 dresses, 2 shorts) to avoid taking too many of each. You can categorise your list to make it easier, and adjust the same list for each trip. Making a list will also prevent you from forgetting anything you need if you tick each item off as you pack it into your bag. I always make my list a few days before I plan on packing, so I still have plenty of time to add anything I forgot to write down.

How to travel lightly

10. Pack versatile clothing

Another great way to travel lightly is to maximise the use you get out of your clothes. If you pack a few tops and pants or skirts, make sure to items that you can mix and match well. Mostly neutral colours are my go-to. It’s also great if you can wear the same items for different occasions (e.g. style a dress for sightseeing during the day vs going out at night). In this way, you’re also less likely to get bored of your outfits if you’re traveling over the course of a few months. Try to get at least 3 outfit uses out of each item and make sure to pack according to your planned itinerary!

Packing lightly can be quite tricky, but it is such an important skill nowadays. As a seasoned traveler, I have a lot of experience with packing (and repacking), and I know the pain of traveling with too much luggage. Hopefully, this list of my favourite tips to travel lightly will be able to help you pack as efficiently as possible for any of your own future trips.

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